viernes, 5 de mayo de 2017

From Brownsville to Spain: a cultural life-changing trip

Extraordinary iniciative by Eric Jordan, an English teacher at Frederick Douglass Academy VII situated in a poverty-striken suburb in New York, who is taking his students to Spain to learn about culture and life from a travelling experience, as he did himself years ago.

 To make this happen , the teacher has launched a crowdfunding campaign to raise the money for the trip. For all the students it is going to be their  first trip across the Atlantic ocean .

The main purpose of the trip is to provide the students with a unique opportunity to learn from experience and to awake them to other different worlds from their own realities that can change their present and future prospects.

The tour includes visits to Madrid and Barcelona and also to our home town, Zaragoza. We are delighted with it !!! Congratulations on the iniciative. Thank you for choosing our country for such a splendid iniciative! We hope you have a great time!!

Brownsville to Barcelona promo video from patersonday on Vimeo.

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