miércoles, 21 de diciembre de 2016

Extreme sports and adventures

What kind of holiday activities do you prefer? Do you prefer adventurous or relaxing ones? Have you ever tried any adventurous sport?

domingo, 18 de diciembre de 2016

How to have a British Christmas

Christmas' time is here, and we tend to think that Christmas traditions are the same in the  English-speaking world. Enjoy this video explainig the major differences between an American and British Christmas.

martes, 13 de diciembre de 2016

The RAE and the use of anglicisms in advertising

Words have a denotative or literal meaning, and a connotative or subjective meaning.

Anglicisms often "look" or "sound" better just because they are English terms. They rather suggest a positive meaning that goes beyond their literal meaning. This is the case of anglicisms in the field of advertising. They are often chosen just because they sound " cool or trendy". The RAE, the Spanish institution in charge of protecting and regulating the correct use of the Spanish language,  has launched a campaign against the overuse of angliscisms in Spanish advertising through a video in which  two ads show , in a humorous way,  ridiculous situations involving the use of unnecessary anglicisms.


jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2016

Stingy Jack: more comics

I am so impressed with the work done by my young students...Thank you for the time and effort devoted to the making of these fabulous comics.

miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2016

lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2016

Festivals Brochures

We have just enjoyed our local festival in honour of our lady of El Pilar.
Our students of 1st year of vocational studies have designed some brochures to promote the city at an international tourism fair.

viernes, 28 de octubre de 2016

Halloween history and the Stingy Jack Legend

                         Halloween ppt from marinosa

In order to understand where this well-known popular Irish tradition comes from, we devoted one session to telling the story of Stingy Jack, the origin of the present famous pumpkin  we use on Halloween  to scare away the evil spirits.  

According to an Irish legend, Stingy Jack used to be a scoundrel fond of drinking and evil. On two occasions the Devil came for his soul but Jack played a trick on him avoiding death. When he finally died, unable to enter Heaven because of his evil behaviou in lifer, he went down to Hell's door where he met the Devil, who, keeping his word, took revenge on Jack and did not let him in. That's why Stingy Jack was punished to wander in the dark with a burning coal as a lantern for the rest of eternity.

Read this old Irish story about how the scoundrel "Stingy Jack" became " Jack-o-lantern' , the popular scary pumpkin. Click here for reading the story : Legend of Stingy Jack,

Watch this video of a film short performing the legend.


domingo, 23 de octubre de 2016

Understanding colour and its subjective use in art

Let us analyse colour from an objective and subjective approach: types of colours, their relationship to one another and its function in the French movement The Fauves, led by Henri Matisse, who revolutionised the use of colours in painting  in order to use them as an expressive element of the artist's vision of the world.


martes, 18 de octubre de 2016

Understanding phrasal verbs

Watch this video revising  the use of phrasal verbs in everyday English: what they are and how they are used.

sábado, 15 de octubre de 2016

The psychology of colours

Colours arise particular feelings and emotions. We all have a personal favourite colour or choose a particular one to wear depending on the situation or our state of mind. Evidence of this "psychology of colours" is their use in marketing and advertising.

      Infographic made by GraphicSprings                                                          


       What meanings do colours convey?

martes, 4 de octubre de 2016

Mobile phones and social isolation

Are social media making us unsociable?

How are mobile phones destroying face-to-face conversations?

Is technology really making us happier?

Watch this video called "Look up" which focuses on the need to take our eyes off the screens in order to live and enjoy real life


lunes, 3 de octubre de 2016

David Lynch on creativity

This animated short explains filmmaker David Lynch's vision of the creative process compared to fishing as ideas are "They're ready to be caught". He also questions the idea of art deriving from suffering , as he says "any kind of suffering cramps the flow of creativity".


domingo, 25 de septiembre de 2016

Text language

The use of digital gadgets for communication has greatly influenced language. Have a look at the following presentation with lots of popular acronyms used as useful and fast devises for fast texting communication.  REMEMBER DO NOT USE THEM IN FORMAL WRITTEN LANGUAGE as they are considered serious mistakes.

              Text language (comm) from marinosa

lunes, 12 de septiembre de 2016

English learning mania

Listen to this interesting video explaning today's worldwide obsession with learning English


        Surely you have your own personal reasons like these two smashing girls taking about their top
        reasons to learn English


Let's start: Why should we learn a foreign language?

The reasons why we are all obsessed with learning a foreign language are wide and diverse,  as people are in the world. Let us begin by analysing some the most common

What are yours?