domingo, 25 de septiembre de 2016

Text language

The use of digital gadgets for communication has greatly influenced language. Have a look at the following presentation with lots of popular acronyms used as useful and fast devises for fast texting communication.  REMEMBER DO NOT USE THEM IN FORMAL WRITTEN LANGUAGE as they are considered serious mistakes.

              Text language (comm) from marinosa

lunes, 12 de septiembre de 2016

English learning mania

Listen to this interesting video explaning today's worldwide obsession with learning English


        Surely you have your own personal reasons like these two smashing girls taking about their top
        reasons to learn English


Let's start: Why should we learn a foreign language?

The reasons why we are all obsessed with learning a foreign language are wide and diverse,  as people are in the world. Let us begin by analysing some the most common

What are yours?